Nikhil Sobanbabu

I'm an Electrical Engineering Undergraduate at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. I am an aspiring Robotics Graduate Student with an aim to work on control of highly dynamic robots in unstructered terrains. I worked as a Research Intern at Dynamic Robotics and Control Laboratory under the guidance of Prof. Quan Nguyen on Model-based oracle using preview control to guide a Reinforcement Learning policy for Agile Bipedal Locomotion. Prior to this I worked with Prof. Bharath Bhikkaji on synchronised control of mutliple Crazyflie Quadrotors to track a given trajectory. I am currently working on my Bachelor Thesis on Multi-agent RL based control guided by a reach-avoid model to solve a 3D pursuit-evasion-target scenario. Apart from this I was part of Team Anveshak ,a student run Mars Rover Team of IIT Madras which participates in University Rover Challenge at Mars Research Desert Station,Utah and worked as an Embedded Systems and Control Engineer, later getting promoted as Team lead for the period July 2022-February 2023.

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I am interested in Model-based Optimal Control, Reinforcement Learning and Motion planning with specific focus on legged and space robotics. I am also open to explore locomanipulation and multi-agent control.


OGMP: Oracle Guided Multimodal Policies for Agile and Versatile Robot Control
Lokesh Rajan, Nikhil Sobanbabu, Quan Nguyen,


A Multi-modal policy guided by a Model-based Oracle, enabling agile parkour-like behaviours on a biped over a structured terrain.


Multi-agent trajectory tracking for Crazyflie Quadrotors

Coordinated autonomous control of multi-agent quadrotors in a regular polygon formation with varied orientations using the in-built mellinger controller.

[Report] | [Poster]

Control of 5DoF Manipulator of a Mars Rover as part of Team Anveshak
Nikhil Sobanbabu,Shivendra Verma

Autonomous control of Manipulator using inverse kinematics and ROS moveit.

E-yantra Robotics Competition. Theme: Krishi-bot
Nikhil Sobanbabu, Gokul MK

Autonomous navigation of an Agricultural robot to identify and pick and place bellpepers inside a greenhouse.

[Video] | [Github]

Receding-Horizon mode planner for mode planning against perturbations
Nikhil Sobanbabu, Lokesh Krishna

Planner chooser behaviours encoded as latent modes using monte-carlo roll outs to be robust against perturbations generating emergent transitions between modes/behaviors.

[Results Video]

Multi-agent Game Theoretic Framwork for Target-Attacker-Defender game
Nikhil Sobanbabu, Shivendra Verma

Simulation environment for the single attacker, singe target, multiple defender pursuit evation differntial game.

Course Projects

Swing-up and Stabilisation of inverted pendulum.
Course EE6415 Non-Linear System Analysis

Swing-up is done using a control from an energy based Lyapunov function. After a reaching an appropriate angle, pole-placement based stabilisation kicks in.

[Report] | [Presentation video] | [Github]

Motion planning for a KUKA mobile Manipulator
Course ED5215 Intro to Motion Planning
Nikhil Sobanbabu, Balaji R, Kanishkan M S

Problem Statement: Optimal pick and place of multiple objects to a given destination with payload constraints for the mobile manipulator.
Solution: Dijkstra+Modified TSP for navigation. RRT* for manipulation.

[Report] | [Github]

Fun Mini-Project

Why WASD when you can play minecraft with ESP32


Tech and Innovation Fair, coordinator 2022.

Flagship event of Shaastra, IITM's Technical festival for the year 2022. Participants convert a prototype to a minimum viable product.


Discussion with Bob-Balram (Chief Engineer of Ingenuity Helicopter) Former Indian Defence Secretary, Ajay Kumar

Template from jonbarron.